2024.03.01. Start of allergist and clinical immunologist training
2023 11.15. Otorhinolaryngology specialist
01/31/2022 - 01/31/2024 Multidisciplinary Medical Sciences Doctoral School, absolutory
2012 – 2018 University of Szeged General Medical Faculty, diploma in general medicine
2008 - 2012 State-recognized certificate: Ányos Jedlik High school, Budapest, Hungary
2004 - 2008 Primary School Mátyás Király Primary School, Budapest, Hungary
2000 - 2004 Elementary School Scoala Generala “Avram Iancu”, Câmpia Turzii, Romania
01.12.2023- clinical specialist- University of Szeged, Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Department
08.01.2018-11.15.2023. - resident - University of Szeged, Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Department
Cooperative Research Work SZAOK, Department of Biochemistry, Muscle Adaptation Working Group
- Participation in the local ÁOK TDK as first author (spring, autumn 2016)
- Participation in the local ÁOK TDK as second author (spring 2017)
- Participation in Local Biology TDK as co-author (autumn 2017) II. place
- OTDK participation in the Biology section as second author (spring 2017) - special prize
- Demonstrator: - SZTE-ÁOK Institute of Biochemistry Demonstrator (2016-2018) (teaching Hungarian and English groups)
Volunteer Work: - SZAOK Maxillofacial Surgery Department, Clinical Volunteer (2016-2017)
- SZAOK Otorhinolaryngology and Head-Neck Surgery Department, attendance once a week at the outpatient clinic or in the operating room- under the supervision of Piroska Fazekas Dr. med.
Thesis: SZAOK Department of Biochemistry, Assistant professor Anikó Keller-Pintér Dr. med. PhD. and Kitti Szabó Ph.D.: Role of syndecan-4 in myoblast differentiation and fusion
Teaching Hungarian and English groups at the Department of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery at SZTE-SZAOK.
2022.08. University of Groningen, Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery internship - led by György Halmos Dr. med. PhD.
Mátyás Gáll dental student thesis: "Surgical solution of sinus tumors with scarless open excision" The facial degloving technique" - dental aspects - professional help, proofreading (2022)
Thesis of medical student Ammar Mohana: "Comparison between Endoscopic and External Dacrocystorhinostomy" - professional assistance, proofreading (2024)
2019.- 2022. CSMEK Emergency Department Clinical Physician, Hódmezővásárhely, Hungary
2011. –2011. Volunteer Assistant Péterfy Sándor Street Hospital Outpatient Clinic, Budapest, Hungary
2017. –2017. Training for Medical Students, Participation in Theoretical Training, Szeged, Hungary
Szeged Medical Students Association:
- Active membership (2012-2016)
- Supervisory Board Member (2015-2016)
- LEO-In (Responsible for incoming foreign exchange students) Coordinator (2014-2015)
- LEO-IN (Responsible for incoming foreign exchange students) Assistant Coordinator (2013-2014)
- Teddy Maci Hospital and SCOPE Volunteer
- Organizer and participant in several official events: Foreign Affairs Evening, SZOE Evening, Tumor Prevention Day, Diabetes Day
- Szalenko-Tőkés Á, Bella Z, Tóbiás Z, Iván L, Rovó L, Vass G. A módosított "facial degloving" technikával szerzett hosszú távú tapasztalataink [Long-term experiences by using modified facial degloving technique]. Orv Hetil. 2021 Mar 7;162(10):392-398. Hungarian. doi: 10.1556/650.2021.31997. PMID: 33683219.
- Tobiás Zoltán, Szalenko-Tőkés Ágnes, Csanády Miklós, Rovó László, Bella Zsolt. Újszerű művészeti módszerek a fül-orr-gégészeti posztgraduális képzésben. FÜL-ORR-GÉGEGYÓGYÁSZAT 68 : 2 pp. 53-56. , 4 p. (2022)
- Bella Z, Erdelyi E, Szalenko-Tőkés Á, Kiricsi Á, Gaál V, Benedek P, Rovó L, Nagy E. Peritonsillar abscess: an 8-year retrospective, culture based evaluation of 208 cases. J Med Microbiol. 2022 Sep;71(9). doi: 10.1099/jmm.0.001576. PMID: 36107755.
- Szalenko-Tőkés Ágnes, Vass Gábor, Jóri József, Rovó László, Bere Zsófia, Bella Zsolt. Marószer okozta hallójárati sérülés következtében kialakult atrézia kombinált lebenyes megoldása. Esettanulmány. FÜL-ORR-GÉGEGYÓGYÁSZAT 69 : 1 pp. 12-16. , 5 p. (2023)
- Ragó Z, Tóth B, Szalenko-Tőkés Á, Bella Z, Dembrovszky F, Farkas N, Kiss S, Hegyi P, Matuz M, Tóth N, Hegedüs I, Máthé D, Csupor D. Results of a systematic review and meta-analysis of early studies on ivermectin in SARS-CoV-2 infection. Geroscience. 2023 Aug;45(4):2179-2193. doi: 10.1007/s11357-023-00756-y. Epub 2023 Mar 7. PMID: 36879183; PMCID: PMC9988599.
- Szalenko-Tőkés Ágnes, Wisse van der Laan, Rovó László, Halmos György. A Da Vinci operációs robot szerepe az ismeretlen primer fej-nyaki tumorok diagnosztikájában - A Groningeni Egyetem tapasztalatai, FÜL-ORR-GÉGEGYÓGYÁSZAT 69 : 4 pp. 140-145. , 6 p. (2023)
English: B2
Spanish: B2
Romanian: A2